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Wanted: Experienced Rebel (Activist) PMfor Extinction Rebellion free Recruitment Web app Beta test Freelance

Published at 2019-09-15 - Viewed: 2749 times - WinWisely (Worldwide/Remote)

Wanted: Experienced Rebel (Activist) Project Manager for Extinction Rebellion free Recruitment Web app Beta test (but not in stone)

You: Someone with not only the skills and experience but the strong passion to have the greatest possible impact in the emergency effort to save what is still savable of mother nature and democracy before it is too late.

Our Extinction Rebellion secure one pager which has links to our mission, hypothesis, 2 part demo, reviews from over 20 top organizers, FAQ, etc is at this XR cloud secure link: If not a member of XR and cannot access, let us know that and just confirm you are not in any way connected with any government agency or the oil and gas industry.
We will be free to activist orgs like XR and FFF, open source, open hardware non profit, cooperatively run

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