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Software engineer for the Dissemin platform Full-time

Published at 2021-05-03 - Viewed: 1870 times - École normale supérieure in France

The Valda Inria team is hiring an engineer to work on the Dissemin platfom for a two-year position at École normale supérieure. Dissemin is a tool to detect research articles behind paywalls and to help their authors upload them in an open repository. Dissemin is an open-source project with various contributors, organized as a non-profit.

Profile of the candidate

The applicant should be familiar with or ready to learn the following technologies:

  • the Python programming language;
  • the Django Web application framework;
  • the PostgreSQL database management system;
  • RESTful Web APIs;
  • processing of large datasets.

The applicant should be familiar with an open-source development workflow (basics of Git, merge requests, proficiency in technical English) and willing and interested to work in an academic environment on a project related to academic publishing. The candidate should be able to work autonomously, in interaction with a remote team of developers.

The applicant should hold a Master or engineering diploma in a field related to computer science or computer engineering. Candidates holding a PhD on a relevant topic are also welcome, with the experience of the PhD recognized and useful for the project.

The applicant need not be French-speaking.


The role of the engineer will be to turn Dissemin from a proof-of-concept work into a production-ready tool, in particular to be used by French researchers to help them deposit their works on open-access platforms, as required by their employers or funders. Some specific tasks include:

  • day-to-day management of the Dissemin platform and bug fixing;
  • integration of Crossref and BASE data, in connection with HAL;
  • optimization of the data ingestion from Crossref and BASE;
  • possible migration of the platform to a different hosting and architecture;
  • interaction with the Valda research team on subjects related to the analysis of the scientific corpus (e.g., possible co-supervision of Master’s students).

Work conditions

The engineer will be hosted at École normale supérieure in the 5th district of Paris and employed by ENS on a one-year contract renewable once, for a total planned duration of two years.

For a full-time position, the work week is 37.5 hours (flexible hours), with 49 vacation days yearly; part-time positions can be discussed. The engineer will work under the supervision of the head of the Valda team, Pierre Senellart. The salary will follow the ENS salary scale for technical employees (typically 26 to 36 k€ gross yearly salary depending on experience and degree).

The position is expected to start at the earliest in June 2021 and at the latest in January 2022.

Work environment

The work will be conducted within a dynamic research team, also in interaction with the PRAIRIE institute for artificial intelligence research in Paris. The engineer will be encouraged to participate in the life of the team (research seminars, discussions with PhD candidates and researchers, etc.). This position can also serve as a gateway for applicants considering a PhD thesis in related areas. All development will be open-source. Contributing to third-party open-source projects useful to Dissemin is also encouraged.


ENS is an equal-opportunity employer, with ENS and Dissemin committed to diversity and professional equality in terms of gender, handicap, and origin. For this reason, applicants need not mention any personal information (such as age, family situation, photo) on their application.
How to apply?

Candidates can submit their application (CV, motivation letter, references, link to past projects) as a single PDF document to Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Early applications are recommended.

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