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Seeking Two Singularities Part-time

Published at 2023-12-13 - Viewed: 2490 times - petites singularités (Worldwide/Remote)

petites singularités are looking for two people to support our actions locally, in Europe and outside the Global North.

Since our inception at the end of 2016, we have hosted our own software services and grown them organically to experiment with other radical collectives, on grounds of affinity, both as part of our paid work mentoring and supporting free software projects and on a volunteer basis in support of feminist and decolonial actors building the commons and resisting capitalism.

Les petites singularités engage again in a new European consortium with free software actors. GNU Taler (Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Reserves), building on more than 15 years of cryptographic research, is at the heart of the NGI TALER consortium that aims to bring the electronic payment solution to market in the Eurozone. Les petites singularités will take care of vertical integration of GNU Taler and maintaining the community platform towards free software willing to integrate this electronic payment solution in Euro, as well as professional sectors willing to use it, notably the independent book sector, public health sector, and events sector.

It is now time to invite you to our operational team. Please check out the original offer on our website.

Replies after January 7, 2024 will not be considered.

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