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UX Designer Freelance

Published at 2016-10-13 - Viewed: 4748 times - Open Observatory of Network Interference (Worldwide/Remote)

The Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), a project under The Tor Project that aims to uncover internet censorship by monitoring its prevalence around the world, is seeking a UX designer to improve the UI of its desktop (web based) and mobile client.

We are looking for someone that can:

Review the overall UX flow and provide suggestions for improvements to the application flow.
Provide suggestions for improvements to the layout of the mobile and desktop client.
Construct design assets and make the visual style of the desktop and mobile client more coherent.
You can find screenshots of the current views for the current desktop client here:

You can find screenshots of the current views for the mobile client here:

This is a contractor position for a fixed bid project. The rate for the work will be negotiated and is going to be between 5k-10k USD.

We are a dynamic team that works from different places around the world. Most of our coordination happens via the internet, on public issue trackers (github) and more real time coordination happens via IRC ( #ooni). Ideally you would be comfortable working with these tools.

Many of us are based out of Italy (mainly Rome), so we would prefer somebody that is located closest, but this is not a strict requirement.

If this project interests you, please reach out to us and we can discuss it in more detail. We know that other projects related to OONI are hoping to hire designers in the near term, so we would love it if this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

When applying for this position please include:

A link to your portfolio containing relevant work
Your Curriculum Vitae
Our contact information is:

encrypted email: (PGP: 4C15 DDA9 96C6 C0CF 48BD 3309 6B29 43F0 0CB1 77B7)
irc: #ooni

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