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Fall 2017 Internships (unpaid) Internship

Published at 2017-08-13 - Viewed: 4332 times - Free Software Foundation (Worldwide/Remote)

This is an educational opportunity to work with the organization that sponsors the GNU Project, publishes the GNU General Public License (GPL), and fights for software freedom.

As an intern, you work closely with FSF staff members in your area of interest, such as campaigns and community organizing, systems and network administration, GNU Project support, or Web development.

We’re seeking interns for two teams at the FSF:

Tech team: Common tech team intern projects include writing free software, security auditing, interacting with one or more of our servers, and researching new technology that the FSF is interested in using. Past interns created HUBAngl, which we use for easy video streaming of our conferences, made progress in porting LibreJS to WebExtensions, pen-tested our network, and researched the Ceph distributed object storage system, which we are now rolling out as our latest infrastructure upgrade. However, we’re also eager to hear what you would like to work on, because that can give us new ideas and open new doors. This position may work in our Boston office or remotely.

Campaigns team: This round, we’d love to find an intern who is adept at design and/or illustration to redo key handouts and guides. These items will make a great addition to your portfolio, and will be a huge help in our efforts to publicize our campaigns. This position is in our Boston office.

You can read more about our requirements for interns here, and see past intern projects here.

How to apply

Send a letter of interest and resume with two references by email to Make sure that your materials are in free software friendly formats (PDF and plain text work well), and include “Internship” in your subject line. If you can, please include links to sites you’ve made (personal blogs are okay!), designs or code you’ve done, and relevant writing. Please include these as URLs, though email attachments in free formats are acceptable, too.

Please direct any questions about the program to

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