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Performance and compliance engineer Full-time

Published at 2018-10-10 - Viewed: 2259 times - scikit-learn in Palaiseau, France

The scikit-learn team at Inria foundation is looking for a engineer to help with speed while maintaining statistical compliance for machine learning with scikit-learn. The position is an engineering position to support speed and performance improvements to scikit-learn. The most important duties will be building and maintaining the infrastructure to benchmark and monitor performance across various hardware platforms. The goal is to enable open and reliable optimizations by the community, as well as to set a framework for low-level optimized variants of algorithms that are statistically and API compatible with core scikit-learn algorithms. The central duties will be:

  • Creating a container for statistical and computational benchmarks, that will be run on multiple hardwares
  • Creating a set of tests that probe statistical and computational performance in different realistic usage scenario
  • Working with our open-source contributors as well as optimization experts to contribute performance improvements to scikit-learn

The ideal candidate will:

  • Have good knowledge of system scripting and building infrastructures
  • Understand C and C++ development
  • Know the Python programming language and virtual machine
  • Care about software testing
  • Have some machine learning, data science, or statistics background

We are open to different levels of seniority.

Context: scikit-learn @ Inria foundation

Scikit-learn is a reference open-source software project, used by hundred of thousands of people worldwide for data science. It is developed by a very large international community of open-source contributors.
The Inria foundation has partnered with private actors to fund a team that works on scikit-learn. The team is made of developers, experts on machine-learning methods, and a community and operation manager.

Job details

The position is physically located in the scikit-learn team at Inria Saclay, in Palaiseau France, close to Paris. Salary will be depending on experience. The position comes with standard benefits in France, in particular social security and retirement plan (the position is a “CDI”, “Contrat à Durée Indeterminée”).
To apply, contact gael.varoquaux at

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