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Project lead and event manager Part-time

Published at 2021-08-01 - Viewed: 2623 times - KDE e.V. in Germany

About KDE
KDE is an international community dedicated to developing Free and Open Source Software for end users. Contributions are made by thousands of talented volunteer contributors (developers, artists, marketers, translators, documentation writers, etc.) from all over the world, working on software like a desktop environment, graphics applications, PIM programs, games, educational software and more. KDE e.V. is the legal organization behind KDE, that represents and supports the community.
About the role
KDE e.V. is looking for you as an employee for our new initiative to support environmentally sustainable software development. You will be the person who makes sure the project concerning the sustainability criteria according to “Blauer Engel“ is on track and successful.

As an employee of KDE e.V., you will work together with the team of the organization and the community as part of a funded project that began July 1, 2021 and will end March 31, 2023. The position is intended as a part time position (9h/week). You have support for design and community management.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Project administration
  • Regular reporting to the funder on project progress and use of funds/finances
  • Running calls for proposals for contract work that is part of the project
  • Organizing the logistics of small events for the community to come together to work on the project

Qualifications and skills

  • Knowledge of project management as part of a vocational training, university studies or comparable practical experience
  • Experience with administration of grant projects by the German government would be benficial
  • Ability to work independently within the frame of the project
  • Understanding of Free Software communities
  • Fluent in English and German (verbal and written)

What we offer to you:

  • The opportunity to do pioneering work around sustainable software
  • Working in an open and friendly community that puts its heart into Free Software
  • Part-time employment at KDE e.V. with the usual benefits

Job Details

  • Type: part-time employment
  • Location: Remote in Germany or in our office in Berlin
  • Number of hours per week: 9

How to apply
Please send your application (including your availability and pointers to the project you are most proud of) by email to with “Project lead and event manager“ in the subject. Do not hesitate to contact us at the same address if you have any questions.

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